Speedwatch in the Community
Bray Parish Council shares residents concerns about speeding in areas of the parish. For details on how to organise your own speedwatch, please follow this link. https://www.communityspeedwatch.org/FRONT-v2-Home.php
Bray Parish Council shares residents concerns about speeding in areas of the parish. For details on how to organise your own speedwatch, please follow this link. https://www.communityspeedwatch.org/FRONT-v2-Home.php
Bray Parish Councillors share resident’s concerns about speeding, there is a new Community Speed Watch Programme in place, which allows the local community to take control and work together to try and reduce speeding within their area. If you wish to be involved please see details in this link provided [...]
Bray Parish Council along with many of its residents has long been concerned about Air Quality within the area. To check the validity of these concerns the Parish Council began air quality monitoring at 8 sites across the Parish in January 2020 in the hope for these to be sent [...]
RBWM is carrying out a consultation to understand current issues with the A308 corridor in light of proposed new development both within the borough and by neighbouring authorities. The feedback gathered will be analysed alongside other data captured through site visits and interaction with stakeholders to allow identification of the [...]