A Community Speedwatch is a nationwide local community initiative where proactive residents come together to volunteer their time in order to monitor and record details of speeding vehicles using a variety of detection equipment.  The aim of the exercise is to slow speeding traffic through the local community in order to reduce injuries, hazards and road traffic collisions.

The Bray Parish Community Speedwatch is comprised of a robust complement of trained operators and newly procured Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) in addition to the pre-existing devices peppered around the Parish. The SID cameras capture speeds significantly ahead of the speed tables, in the same way the Bushnell handheld devices do. With the support of the Parish Council, the Community Speedwatch teams have recently increased their sessions and activity at designated stations, and been enthusiastic in identifying further locations of interest.

Since their initial installation, the Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) have been providing Bray Parish Council with a diverse variance of collated data. Thus far the  data has indicated that at times, cars coming through Bray village where the speed limit is 20mph, were travelling at speeds up to 50mph, with most cars travelling around the 30-40mph mark. The recorded average speed has been calculated at approximately 6mph over the legal speed limit. 

During periods of time where the Speed Indicator Devices are set to dormant mode, the SIDs continue to capture data.

As always, data from the teams is collated and sent to Thames Valley Police for processing 

The Traffic and Highways Committee is open to the public, and dates of when they meet can be found here https://brayparishcouncil.gov.uk/council-meetings/?meeting-type=traffic-highways-meeting. 


If you would like to join the parish Community Speedwatch team or find out more about the scheme, please contact the Parish office.

Telephone: 01628 777997

Esther Cope / The Clerk & RFO

Brian Inglis / Deputy Clerk

Dawn Hampshire / Clerks’ Assistant